A Beginner’s Guide to Drachenwald Awards

There are a great many ways to say thanks in the SCA, it’s one of my favourite things about it.  In a voluntary organisation all too often it seems that the fact that members have *volunteered* is completely forgotten, and a bitchfest about how things should have been done otherwise is a volunteer’s only reward for having…

Some preliminary notes on running a first event..

1) It’s exhausting.   I have several postloads of information to write about, but I have only just gotten my brain wound up enough to say these next few bits.  I know that a lot of it has to do with the sheer amount of nervous energy burned off in the run up to and…

A Beginners guide to A&S

A&S, or Arts and Sciences, covers any art, craft or science that was done in the Middle Ages.   It’s astonishingly easy to get caught dithering between things to choose. Most events have an A&S component, even if it’s only people sitting around a table working away on projects and chatting, which I love.  A…

A beginners guide to the SCA – Let’s start at the very beginning..

So you’ve heard there are some people who like to muck about with medieval things.  Maybe you wandered across the SCA on the web, maybe you saw something on TV (In Ireland RTE, the National Broadcaster has a programme called Nationwide, which featured a couple of Irish SCA events, including Champions of Lough Devnaree, which…

A beginners guide to the SCA – Court Etiquette

One of my stated aims in starting this blog was to write down how a total beginner to this SCA business found her way through it.  I’m going to cheat for a couple of them because I’m going to nab some stuff my head of Household posted to us (with his permission).    I’m going…