Everything is connected…

I’ve been down the ogham rabbithole – still there in fact -, but I am surfacing just a little to share an amused observation. In the course of my “Are ogham letters named for trees?” research I’ve discovered a side tunnel that joins up to my “tell me about dyeing in Ireland” research that I’m…

Three recipes for Buckthorn Ink and one attempt

The recipe I have attempted is from the Paduan Manuscript via Mary P. Merrifield’s Medieval and Renaissance Treatises on the Arts of Painting. (1999). I haven’t managed to get a workable-for-me version of the original manuscript source, but the Manuscript Miscellanea 992 contains recipes for all kind of colours, fine inks, and varnishes, gum arabic,…

Hawthorn Ink

I was all excited when I discovered hawthorn Ink was made in period thinking it was possibly the berries I’d need to use. When I looked it up I actually remembered that I had seen it before and had registered too late, then as now, that the ink is made from the wood just before…

The elevation of Master Baron Master Master Etienne

Master Etienne Fevre de Dion is one of those amazing people; talented, effortlessly eloquent, debonair, inventive and Machiavellian of persona enough to keep you on your toes.  I met him at my first event and was struck in two ways – 1) I want to be like him when I grow up,  and 2) horrible levels…

Helpful advice for ladies who wish to try Woodturning…

Make sure you wear a high fronted top.  Ladies who experience problems with popcorn at the cinema will not need me to elaborate.   Let me just show you some “sawdust” Right, I have about a gazillion posts to make to try to catch up with all the things I’ve been doing because yes! I…

Remembering to actually do stuff.

I am, alas, one of Nature’s procrastinators.  Even knowing that there is an event coming up is not enough to make me actually crack down to it and *actually* make garb.  What I would love would be someone to come along and cut out the parts of dresses exactly to my size requirements and just…

Art and a little bit of medieval sweetness.

Art had big plans for Champions of the Court of Love, he intended making *all the sweets in the world* and having a stand at the event.  Art is 11.  His mother was event stewarding.  We compromised on a smaller project after he decided to finally get stuck in, and he created a small selection…

A Beginners guide to A&S

A&S, or Arts and Sciences, covers any art, craft or science that was done in the Middle Ages.   It’s astonishingly easy to get caught dithering between things to choose. Most events have an A&S component, even if it’s only people sitting around a table working away on projects and chatting, which I love.  A…

On the Quest for Kanel, Galingale and Grains de Paris…

I’m looking for something to mix/brew as a drink for a future event, and I’m very intrigued by a recipe for Clarrey in A Forme of Cury which is a mulled white wine instead of red. Take kanel & galinga, greyns de paris, and a lytel peper, & make pouder, & temper hit wyt god…