Some preliminary notes on running a first event..

1) It’s exhausting.   I have several postloads of information to write about, but I have only just gotten my brain wound up enough to say these next few bits.  I know that a lot of it has to do with the sheer amount of nervous energy burned off in the run up to and…

Archery, archery, archery, archery, archery…

It’s Monday.  All that horrible Monday stuff is happening, causing that grey bleaaghhh feeling of despondency.  It’s not quite enough to smother over the happy internal voice that is alternating between singing “Everything is Awesome” from the Lego movie I went to with C2 on Saturday and the bouncy “Archery, archery, archery, archery, archery, archery!” I’ve had…

More interesting reasons for not posting regularly..

I am running my first event soon.  It’s been keeping me scheming and busy.  There’s just under three weeks to go and I’m at the excited, “everything is going to be so much fun” stage.  I suspect the “Oh NO, what did I do” stage will kick in, followed closely by blind panic, but right…